… is all that matters here!

Posts tagged ‘eco print’


YouTube craft tutorials

I’m excited about this video because it is one of many ideas that are coming to mind where I can share some of my creative ideas and experience with you.  One of the crafting videos I’ve recently made is on eco-printing a piece of felt.

It was a fun process and one I loved because it involved all kinds of creativity from making the felt, to eco-printing it and then making and editing the video for YouTube.  And this is just one of several I’ve made so far.


Closeup of detail from one of the eco-printed and dyed pieces of felt I made recently for a tutorial.


Editing a video

How to Eco-print a Tee shirt is one of several videos I’ve made showing how to make felt and eco-print. Here’s one:

If you want to know full details or watch the complete process of either making felt or eco-printing, zip over to Youtube.com\AannshaJones now!

At the time of writing, I’ve got three more videos in the pipeline for editing and uploading and many more ideas to share with you.

Making videos is a creative process in itself and I’m enjoying the learning (and have also pulled my hair out over some of the challenges) but hey, that’s the combined beauty of creating isn’t it?


So many eco-tees!

…And lots of other things as well!

Since I wrote my last post, I have bundled, boiled, dried, rinsed, dried and ironed quite a few new eco-printed shirts and tees. All ready for the CWA Easter Art & Craft Twilight Market on 4th April.

Rather than bore you with the details, which are similar as for previous posts, I’ll add a gallery of my latest beautiful nature-painted clothes.

I’ve taken photos of them in the last few moments of sunlight in front of our mini-rainforest – so the colours of the eco-dyed clothes are enhanced by the trees and bushes, and natural light.

Leaves on paper 2

After steaming the bundle of paper with Eucalyptus leaves this afternoon, it was time to unbundle and reveal Nature’s beautiful patterns. I will let the pic speak for itself.


Blue and eucalyptus eco dyeing

Blue bundlesOoh, what’s in the bundles?  They’re blue and tightly wrapped.  There’s a bit of brown showing through too …

On Monday, I spent the day catching up on unfinished business.  The business of eco-dyeing.  I’ve had such a sparse time of it over the last few months because of work commitments that I was pretty damn stir crazy by the time I’d gathered my leaves and excitedly brought home my first bunch of Eucalyptus Cinerea from the florists.

The other leaves were collected from my driveway and garden, blown roughly to the ground by cyclone Marcia that made her way through our town a couple of weeks ago.  Luckily, Marcia had spent her energy except for gallons of rain that she dumped on us on her way down from Yepoon where she’d crossed from the ocean to the land.

Our normally fairly dry creek burst its banks due to the constant downpour and king tides that had something to do with keeping the river backed up with water for a day or two.  Here’s one of the local road on the first morning …


As you can imagine, lots of children were hugely disappointed at not being able to attend school – along with adults who also couldn’t make work because the roads were cut off…

Disappointed.  Sure.  *Smiles*.

Anyway, while cyclone Marcia brought devastation to homes and crops north of here, along with flooding to the south, she did kindly provide me with windfall leaves that I eagerly collected for my dye pot.

I had two second-hand cotton tee shirts that I’d pre-mordanted a few months ago and kept until I had the time to dye them.

Sunday was that day.

I was so eager to get the bundles into the pot that I forgot to photograph the layout of the leaves.  Sorry about that.

Anyhow, here’s the reveal, with a selection of photos. I love the shade of blue imparted by the natural Aquarelle botanic liquid dye.

After they’d dried, I rinsed them in water to wash off remnants of leaves and mordant.  Then ironed them.  Then hung them out to dry.  They have lost some of their depth of colour, but I have to say, I really love them and am pleased at how they’ve turned out.

I also now have two eco-dyed silk scarves using the same eco colour palette.  Here they are side by side.  What do you think?

Two blue scarves with eucI love the tie die lines from the bundling string on the bottom scarf.  I also love the depth of colour from the leaves on the other scarf.

My next project was two un-mordanted cotton items that I stuffed with leaves, tied and boiled in turmeric water.  That produced an interesting result. But more on that next blog post.

Eco dyed scarf on Jill

Jill has been trying out my eucalyptus dyed silk scarf while I’ve been at work.

She even took some pictures of herself, cleverly working out how to use the timer button on the camera.

Jill may look like a dummy but she’s quite smart lol.

Here are some pics of her wearing the scarf in different ways, showcasing the lovely warm light browns and beiges that the eucalyptus and vinegar produced on the silk.

Not bad for a first attempt at dying.  (I need to work on my ironing skills though.)

Salty tales from Bali Hai on Sunday

After a break from cruising of nearly 30 years, we are sailing to the Indonesian Islands on our yacht Bali Hai

SV Acheron

A Mediterranean Odyssey

ocean-pilgrim: Life on Water

Life in the Med, on Intention


Reflections, revelations and proposals esoteric: Themes to elucidate the depths of human potential.


Because we’re all recovering from something.

Open the Door to Your Inner World

Access: Transformational Energy, Guidance, Creativity, Life Purpose

The Procrastinator Dyer's Diary

A Journal of Observations

Beesybee fiber's Blog

Life in West Marin seen through the eye of a needle

Principally felt

experiments in life, decorative felt, nuno, knit felt and mosaic

Obovate Designs™

My dabbling and exploration in contact printing, natural dyeing, and soap making


murals, textiles, ceramics, screenprints, festivals, community


Fibre Art, Eco Printing, Natural Dyeing, Book Arts

vintage country style

my move to countryside and planning a crafts business


... is all that matters here!

Hearts Landscapes

... is all that matters here!

Colour Cottage

little house in a field


dada inspired hand puppets

The Blog of Knitted Fog

art, life and stuff